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io9 Reveals the First Look at the New Star Wars Book Thrawn: Treason


io9 Reveals the First Look at the New Star Wars Book Thrawn: Treason

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io9 Reveals the First Look at the New Star Wars Book Thrawn: Treason


Published on July 15, 2019

Thrawn: Treason by Timothy Zahn

Publishing this month, Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn: Treason is the third installment in the Star Wars: Thrawn series, and takes place before the battle for Lothal’s liberation, as depicted in the series finale of Star Wars: Rebels. And io9 has a first look at the book. Some initial details ahead!

Not only does General Admiral Thrawn find his TIE Defender project on hold in favor of Director Krennic’s future Death Star plans (as depicted in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story), but an unexpected run-in with his former protégé Commander Eli Vanto redirects Thrawn’s attentions back towards his people, the Chiss. Essentially, Thrawn finds his loyalties being tested and split once more.

So, what exactly has Thrawn been up to in the events leading up to Thrawn: Treason?

  • After rescuing Force-sensitive Chiss from the Grysk, Thrawn continues to check up on his TIE Defender prototype with a visit to the Lothal base.
  • Thrawn has another run-in with the Rebels, specifically while Ezra Bridger and Sabine attempt to steal the TIE’s flight data recorder.
  • After engaging in battle between Hera Syndulla and the Chimaera, Thrawn’s agent Rukh is able to capture the captain.
  • In the midst of trying to extract information from Hera about the Rebels, Grand Moff Tarkin informs Thrawn his TIE project is at risk.

Then comes Thrawn: TreasonYou can read an exclusive excerpt from the novel over on io9 here. From the excerpt, we can gather that Thrawn: Treason will focus more on Thrawn’s involvement with the Chiss, before moving forward with the Empire’s long-standing goal of trying to crush the Rebels and all their factions. We know what happens after that, as detailed in the Star Wars: Rebels finale.

  • Led by Ezra and with Governor Pryce held captive, the Rebels sneak their way into the Capital City and the Lothal base, capturing “The Dome”.
  • When Thrawn and the Chimaera show up to thwart the Rebels, Ezra tries to convince Thrawn to give up and let Lothal go from Imperial forces.
  • When Ezra surrenders, he meets Thrawn aboard the Chimaera before being brought to Palpatine, who tries to tempt him with the offer of being reunited with his parents.
  • Ezra realizes it’s a ruse and rejects Palpatine’s offer, tearing down the Lothal Jedi Temple before engaging in battle with Thrawn.
  • An ace up his sleeve, Ezra summons the purrgil, who attack the Chimaera with Thrawn and Ezra in it; the purrgil embrace both Thrawn and Ezra and drag the two into hyperspace forever.

…or…perhaps to someplace we may see in Thrawn: Treason. We’ll know for sure when the book hits stands on July 23 from Del Rey Books.

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Stubby the Rocket


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